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SubscribeThe impacts of the COVID-19 virus are affecting all of us. The insurance industry is taking several steps to help our clients during this difficult time. There are several things you can do at this time to make sure you are safe, covered and even save some money.
With fewer drivers on the road, it means fewer accidents and fewer claims. Because of these changes, many of our largest insurance partners are offering flexible payment options and credits on their monthly premium, including Travelers, Liberty Mutual, and Progressive. What can clients expect:
For any specific questions regarding your carrier's refund policy, contact your MMA agent for further detail. Each carrier is structuring their programs differently, so it's important to review the details provided by your carrier.
As you looking at your potential refund, it is an important time to review your coverage with an agent. Are you properly covered?
You might ask the following:
At this time, the last thing people need is to deal with damage to their homes or unexpected claims. Here are a few things you can do while you are at home to create a safer home and prevent claim issues during spring and summer.
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