MMA Blog

MSPLIP Program Helps MT School District Resolve Compliance Violations

In 2016, our Montana Schools Property & Liability Insurance Plan (MSPLIP) program was called in to help a Montana school district that had received a safety compliance inspection and was found out of compliance with current federal and state laws.

What Happened:

During a routine Department of Labor inspection, the school was found out of compliance with:

  • Staff safety training and new employee onboarding practices
  • Supplying easy and clear safety violation reporting procedures to staff
  • Not providing a safety committee to actively track potential violations

These violations included items like staff orientation and safety violation documentation to mislabeled and obstructed electrical panels and missing safety equipment on school property. The inspection was thorough, and left the school with multiple violations to remedy quickly.

What Our Response Included:

MSPLIP was immediately able to provide online support to the school with access to a password-protected website. This website includes information on setting up safety programs as well as other tools the school can use to fix violations.

At the school, MSPLIP program staff walked through with the administration, and noted for each violation what they should do to fix the problem. The professional staff are not only problem solvers; they work as advocates and go-between problem solvers who can interact with the Department of Labor on behalf of the school.

MSPLIP can even review the response report before the school submits it to the DOL, to make sure all violations are adequately resolved with appropriate documentation to supporting resolution to DOL findings.

Not only were the MSPLIP staff able to get them back in line with state and federal regulations within 30 days, but the team was instrumental in implementing proactive new safety and security measures to mitigate the probability that no further citations would occur.

What the School Now Has in Place:

The school was able to quickly and efficiently resolve their violations and submit their responses to the Department of Labor on time.

The team also:

  • Reviewed the school's safety programs to make sure they're aligned with what is required by the DOL.
  • Ensured the school was properly documenting required safety training, which is required by the DOL as proof the training took place.
  • Helped the school revise their training protocols, to better serve staff and faculty. Making sure the right person receives the training appropriate to their role at the school is a smart move that makes the best use of everyone's time and effort.

Staying ahead of any surprises is what our team does best. MSPLIP can help your school take stock of existing programs and resources, and also get ahead of any potential problems down the road.

To learn more about MSPLIP and how it can benefit your school, visit the full site here.

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