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SubscribeNursing homes and skilled nursing facilities play a crucial role in our communities and require special considerations from an insurance and risk management perspective. They are complex entities with challenges of a corporation or large non-profit, but also the ever-shifting medical landscape as well.
Our Health Care Specialists work with nursing homes to protect their residents, train staff, and ensure a safe environment for everyone. That's a tall order with such a complex organization as a nursing facility. Getting the proactive policies and training in place is not only the right thing to do for residents and employees, it also allows organizations to control insurance and risk management costs as well. At the end of the day, it is good business.
While nursing homes may serve a few dozen residents or a few hundred, they all deal in small personal interactions between staff and residents every day. We encourage facilities to create robust policy and procedure manuals, to train staff on their expectations of superior care, and to constantly adjust those models for new challenges.
We work with our skilled nursing facility clients to draft best practices, outline training regimen, and conduct quality inspections — we also assist existing nursing homes to revamp their practices to turn around struggling staffing numbers or opinions of discontent residents.
Our insurance team also works with nursing home clients in need of new insurance options, from self-funded and captive plans, to other financial solutions that are custom-designed for their specific needs.
Our Healthcare Practice leaders have decades of experience and have seen trends move from simple property insurance policies to complex liability and personal safety policies. The insurance landscape around nursing homes has only gotten more complex as time goes on.
Our leaders note that many facilities lack their own set of institutional knowledge within their executive staff. Many directors are relatively new to the space, with only a half dozen years on the job. They are often looking for an experienced perspective when it comes to coverage options, customization and a long term view of what might affect their budgets further down the road.
In many of the rural areas we service in Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon, our insurance professionals often talk to nursing facilities that are facing the looming issues of caring for their aging community while struggling to balance their financials. Our approach is to look at a number of different factors from delicately balanced budgets and risk management that provides enhanced safety within the facility, to protecting residents from new risks they may not have considered before, like cybercrimes and identity theft.
The sudden rise of COVID-19 is one such challenge that has tested facilities throughout the healthcare continuum, especially senior care facilities. Data from John Hopkins University and reported by the Wall Street Journal, indicated that as of August 2020, long term care facilities represent "40% of all known deaths from the coronavirus disease nationwide”.
These numbers stand out not only to the public who watch daily reports on coronavirus infections and deaths, but also to those of us who have family quarantined in nursing homes and other rehabilitation facilities. We work with facilities who are constantly pivoting to protect their staff and residents against any new medical threats, to keep everyone safe. We also help nursing homes to enhance their communication policies to keep policies and procedures clear for families separated from loved ones through quarantines and lock downs.
Our Healthcare Practice leaders work with nursing homes to address daily challenges of caring and nurturing their residents, as well as keeping a weather eye on the horizon. If there's one thing we learned in 2020, it's that trends can change rapidly. We're always working to keep ahead of what might be trendy in the insurance space, so that we're able to offer our clients the best prediction of what their future might hold.
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