Spokane, Washington


Personal Colleagues
Zach Coppock Client Manager 406-363-4020
Jennie Esh Senior Support Specialist 509-755-9315
Shantel Hernandez Account Manager 509-363-4031
Jami Hicks Client Manager 509-755-9320
Katherine Klein Associate Client Manager 509-321-0574
Jean Merkel Client Relations Director 509-755-9328
Nanette Miller Sales Executive 509-755-9324
Jon Mitchell Sales Executive 509-755-9322
Karly Oliver Associate Client Manager (509) 755 9327
Vera Perich Account Manager 509-363-4007
Josh Popowski Account Manager 509-363-4037
Kirk Robinson Client Manager 208-770-3181
Business Colleagues
Dylan Arre Sales Executive 509-789-7442
Carson Axtman Associate Client Manager 509-363-4028
Faustine Ball Market Specialist 509-789-7446
Isabel Barichievich Sales Operations Director 509-789-7444
Kirsten Bohlen Sales Operations Manager 509-755-9340
Tara Bowles Client Manager 509-363-4023
Sean Bulger Sales Executive 509-789-7448
Gerry Bulger Sales Executive 509-363-4012
Mike Chandler Sales Executive 509-363-4041
Bree Chavez Client Manager 509-755-9319
James Clegg Sales Executive 509-789-7438
Erin Davis Client Manager 509-455-6767
Thomas Denison Senior Client Manager 509-363-4016
Austin Ehlo Sales Executive 509-755-9301
Shane Eugenio Sales Executive 509-216-0055
Eddie Eugenio Sales Executive 509-363-4001
Luke Fritz Sales Executive 509-755-9311
Kathi Gehrs Client Manager 509-363-4009
Natasha Goetz Support Specialist 509-363-4010
Kelly Greenwood Sales Executive 509-755-9306
Olga Gribble Account Manager 509-755-9325
Kelsey Grimmer Client Manager 509-789-7432
Jody Hampshire Development Specialist 509-789-7436
Jenel Harju Senior Client Relations Director, Business Practices 509-363-4002
Casie Hull Client Executive 509-755-9303
Christopher Ivie Client Manager 509-755-9312
Annette Jolly Senior Support Specialist 509-755-9304
Chad Karp Client Manager 509-755-9341
Jensen Kennedy Support Specialist 509-363-4021
Cara Longinotti Senior Client Manager 509-363-4042
Casey Lund Sales Executive 509-789-7443
Vittoria Naccarato Sales Executive 509-444-5504
Marci Neighbors Associate Client Manager 509-789-7439
Shawn Omans Market Specialist 509-789-7460
Jay Pollman Client Manager 509-363-4025
Jake Polster Support Specialist 509-363-4059
Kori Redmond Certificate Compliance Client Manager 509-755-9318
Wendy Richard Senior Client Manager 509-755-9323
Jennifer Schreiber Client Manager 509-755-9307
Scott Simmons Managing Director of Risk Solutions 509-363-4029
Jordan Smith Client Manager 406-586-3353
Kenneth Smith Sales Director 509-363-4013
Bri Souder Certificate Compliance Senior Client Manager 509-755-9317
Gail Stevers Sales Executive 509-755-9316
Ryan Stintzi Sales Executive 509-363-4018
Dylan Strouse Associate Client Manager 509-755-9337
Mark Theriault President 509-755-9329
Matina Whitney Senior Client Manager 509-994-6621
Lisa Wren Account Manager 509-363-4005
Employee Health & Benefits Colleagues
Pansy Baker Enrollment Specialist 509-363-4011
Nicole Hindberg Communications Associate 509-363-4047
Mackenzie Huff Senior Client Manager 509-363-4019
Sylvia Johns Sales Executive 509-363-4052
Kayla Kees Development Specialist 509-363-4014
Amber Kelley Client Manager 509-363-4006
Laura Lesser Client Manager 509-755-9332
Brian Magney Sales Director 509-363-4004
Jackie Sue McFarlin Senior Client Manager 509-363-4040
Rhonda Nowak Client Relations Director 509-363-4034
Wes Oliver Sales Executive 509-363-4021
Josh Peterson Sales Executive 509-755-9308
Carli Riordan Associate Client Manager 509-321-0573
Joe Via Sales Executive 509-363-4026
Aubrey Wheeler Sales Executive 509-363-4015
Surety Colleagues
Lily Castrejon Associate Client Manager 509-755-9344
Victoria Crist Associate Client Manager 509-435-4543
Taj Hoard Associate Client Manager 509-363-4045
Jaci Kruse Client Relations Director 509-755-9336
Jim Majeskey Sales Executive 509-789-7430
Jennifer Martinez Client Manager 509-444-5507
Carol Anderson Learning & Development Director 509-363-4032
Whitney Brown Learning & Development Specialist 509-363-4030
Cory Campbell Claim Specialist 509-363-4035
Alysa Johns Continuous Improvement Analyst 509-755-9313
Peggy Stirn Administrative Associate 509-755-9321
Carly Taylor Graphic Designer 509-755-9309
Haylee Vanwert Administrative Associate 509-363-4022
Jeff Wallace Managing Director of Client Engagement 509-363-4003

Tell us what you need. We’ll take it from there.

Get a Quote


        First, tell us about you:


        Next, tell us about your business:

        Now tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

        Commercial InsuranceEmployee BenefitsHealth InsuranceSuretyOther

        NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

        You are ready to submit the form:

          First, tell us about you:


          Next, tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

          AutoHomeIndividual HealthUmbrellaRecreationalWatercraftRenter’s InsuranceLife InsuranceWedding Insurance

          NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

          Now you are ready to submit the form:

            First, tell us about you:


            Next, tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

            AutoHomeIndividual HealthUmbrellaRecreationalWatercraftRenter’s InsuranceLife InsuranceWedding Insurance

            NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

            Now you are ready to submit the form:

              First, tell us about you:


              Next, tell us about your business:

              Now tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

              Commercial InsuranceEmployee BenefitsHealth InsuranceSuretyOther

              NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

              You are ready to submit the form:

                First, tell us about you:

                Contact Form


                    First, tell us about you:


                    Step 1 of 2Next

                    Next, tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

                    AutoHomeIndividual HealthUmbrellaRecreational


                    WatercraftRenter’s InsuranceLife InsuranceWedding Insurance

                    NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                    Now you are ready to submit the form:

                      First, tell us about you:


                      Step 1 of 3Next

                      Next, tell us about your business:

                      Step 2 of 3Next

                      Now tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

                      Commercial InsuranceEmployee BenefitsHealth InsuranceSuretyOther

                      NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                      You are ready to submit the form:

                        First, tell us about you:


                        Step 1 of 2Next

                        NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                        Now you are ready to submit the form:

                          Review Form

                            First, tell us about you:


                            NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                            Now you are ready to submit the form:

                              First, tell us about you:


                              Next, tell us about your claim:

                              NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                              Now you are ready to submit the form:

                                First, tell us about you and your business:


                                Next, tell us about the surety bond you need:

                                NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                                Now you are ready to submit the form:

                                  Contact us for a quote:

                                    First, tell us about you:


                                    Next, tell us about the coverage or coverages you need:

                                    AutoHomeIndividual HealthUmbrellaRecreationalWatercraftRenter’s InsuranceLife InsuranceWedding Insurance

                                    NOTE: Before becoming effective, all changes, bind orders, or claim notifications must be confirmed by a Marsh McLennan Agency representative advising that your request has been processed.

                                    Now you are ready to submit the form:

                                      First, tell us about you:

                                      Contact Form


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